Shows & Performances

Below is a list of upcoming and past shows. Showtimes are updated frequently, so check this list often!

Upcoming Shows

Instagram Live Event

Instagram Live Event
Instagram @jfox015

Online live event stream. When should I stream live? Sent me a note and let me know.

Acoustic Wilton 2020

Acoustic Wilton 2020
Little Theatre, Wilton High School, Wilton CT

A great night of student-driven music accompanied by some of Wilton's best adult musicians. Watch for a new performance date to be announced.

Past Shows


Sat. Feb 8, 2020
Wilton Acoustic Duets

Wilton Acoustic Duets
Wilton Little Theatre, Wilton CT

A night of Acoustic music to get you in the mood for Valentines Day. This year, along with several members of the Wilton Rocks community, I performed Ed Sheeran's Galway Girl and Extreme's Hole Hearted. A fun night dedicated to songs about love.

Fri Jan 31, 2020
Defibrillators FNL Headliner Jan 31

Defibrillators FNL Headliner with the Outstanding Warrants
Bobby Q's Cue & Co., Norwalk CT

A co-headling feature show at Ed Train's Friday Night Live at Bobby Q's Cue & Co. in Norwalk CT featuring The Defibrillators and The Outstanding Warrants.


Dec 7, 2019
Wilton Rocks 2019

Wilton Rocks for Food V: The Fifth Waltz
Trackside Teen Center, Wilton CT

Participated with The Defibrillators in this annual charity fundraiser show in Wilton CT. This event raises money for the Wilton Food Pantry and the Connecticut Food Bank. Wilton Rocks has raised over four hundred thousand dollars for charity since 2015.